The moment you launch your own start-up, the next thought that comes to mind is recruiting the best staff to run it. Recruiting talent for a newly launched start-up can be a hassle. The challenge lies in pushing potential job-seekers to join newly launched ventures. Going by the statistics generated by Han Digital, an HR consulting service firm and research outlet, 77% of experienced candidates and freshers refuse to join start-ups due to lack of exposure, future prospects and projects.
In such a situation, start-up founders can consult HR consulting service firms for the required help. These recruiting firms can derive strategies and assist start-up enterprises in recruiting the best talent. Here are some pointers that underline the modus operandi of HR consulting service firms.
Aggressive Marketing:
One of the most crucial aspects after launching a start-up is to derive aggressive marketing strategy. Without proper marketing, a start-up cannot survive in the market. However, the challenge also lies in individually putting efforts to market the firm; which nearly impossible. Therefore in such circumstances, start-ups can approach HR consulting service firms who can generate both recruiting and marketing strategies.
Though the RPO service is expensive, start-ups can always invest in these services. Generally attracting talent is difficult. But HR consulting service firms can work through their internal database and assist start-ups in hiring the best talent. RPOs can amplify the functioning of start-up by introducing newer recruiting strategies. Besides, it also reduces the problem of having an HR manger as the entire recruitment module is handles by the recruitment firm.
Cost Effective:
The common aspersions that is doing rounds in the job market is the expensive services rendered by HR consulting service firms. Many start-ups refrain from taking any service from agencies due to these apparent misunderstandings. However, start-ups should make an effort to know that negotiating service rates can enable them to render the service they want. Besides, HR consulting service firms such as Han Digital Solution tend to customise services to newly launched ventures. Start-ups must also keep track of qualified and credible recruitment agencies to follow-up on exclusive start-up services.