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(4) Jobs available for "REST"

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  5 to 8 Years   Chennai , Pune , Hyderabad

Roles and Responsibilities : Write well-designed, efficient code. Test to ensure designs are in compliance with specifications. Analyze user...

Show job details →  Posted 3 years ago

  5 to 8 Years   Chennai , Bengaluru , Hyderabad

Roles and Responsibilities : Designing and developing user interactions, front end architecture, back end website applications. Creating serve...

Show job details →  Posted 3 years ago

  3 to 5 Years   Chennai , Bengaluru , Hyderabad

Roles and Responsibilities : Write well-designed, efficient code. Test to ensure designs are in compliance with specifications. Analyze user...

Show job details →  Posted 3 years ago

  3+ Years   Delhi , Hyderabad , Bengaluru , Pune

Minimum qualifications : The developer will be responsible for designing, implementing, testing, and deploying solutions using Apex and Visualfo...

Show job details →  Posted 4 years ago